Accepted papers
- A d-dimensional extension of Christoffel words, S. Labbé and C. Reutenauer
- A new approach to the 2-regularity of the l-abelian complexity of 2-automatic sequences, A. Parreau, M. Rigo, E. Rowland and E. Vandomme
- A note on regular interval exchange sets over a quadratic field, F. Dolce
- Abelian bordered factors and periodicity, E. Charlier, T. Harju, S. Puzynina and L. Q. Zamboni
- Abelian properties of words associated with Parry numbers, Ondrej Turek
- Avoidability of long k-abelian repetitions, M. Rao and M. Rosenfeld
- Avoiding fractional powers over the natural numbers, L. Pudwelland E. Rowlan
- Beta-expansions of rational numbers in the quadratic Pisot bases, T. Hejda and W. Steiner
- Breadth-first serialisation of trees and rational languages, V. Marsault and J. Sakarovitch
- Completeness and synchronization for finite sets of words, A. Carpiand and F. d'Alessandro
- Consensual languages: a simple parallel machine model., S. Crespi Reghizzi and P. San Pietro
- Cylindricity of Wang tile sets, T. Monteil
- Decision algorithms for Fibonacci-automatic words, with applications to pattern avoidance, C. F. Du, H. Mousavi, L. Schaeffer and J. Shallit
- Emergence of regularities on decreasing sandpile models, K. Perrot and E. Remila
- Left greedy palindromic length, M. Bucci and G. Richomme
- Linear involutions, bifix codes and free groups, V. Berthé, V. Delecroix, F. Dolce, D. Perrin, C. Reutenauer, G. Rindone
- Matrice d'ordre minimum associée à un nombre de Pisot, A. Bertrand
- Nonconstructive methods for nonrepetitive problems, G. Guégan and P. Ochem
- Numeration systems for circular words and applications to arithmetics, B. Rittaud
- On Cobham's theorem for Gaussian integers, W. Bosma, R. Fokkink and T. Krebs
- On alternating timed automata for MITL, T. Brihaye, M. Estiévenart and G. Geeraerts
- On periodicity and complexity of generalized pseudostandard words, L. Balkova and F. Josef
- On the asymptotic behaviour of the abelian complexity of pure morphic binary words, M. Whiteland
- On the coinductive nature of centralizers, C. Grellois
- On the concept of convergence of continued fractions, P. Kurka
- On the synchronizing probability function and the triple rendezvous time as approaches to Cerny's conjecture, F. Gonze and R. Jungers
- Parametrized Automata Simulation and Application to Service Composition, W. Belkhir, Y. Chevaliery and M. Rusinowitch
- Piecewise isometry and substitutive language, N. Bédaride and I. Kaboré
- Quasiperiods, Subword Complexity and Pisot Numbers, R. Polleyand L. Staiger
- Recognizable Series on Hypergraphs, R. Bailly, G. Rabusseau and F. Denis
- Return words in tree sets, V. Berthé, C. De Felice, F. Dolce, J. Leroy, D. Perrin, C. Reutenauer, G. Rindone
- Some distances and an unsolved problem, G. Lischke
- Somme itérées sur le mot de Thue-Morse, V. Delecroix and J.-F. Bertazzon
- Stability analysis of discrete time switching systems driven by an automaton., M. Philippe and R. Jungers
- Statistics of large binary sequences, J. Emme and A. Prikhod'ko
- Subword complexity and decomposition of the set of factors to sets of bounded complexity, J. Cassaigne, A. Frid, S. Puzynina and L. Q. Zamboni
- Symbolic Dynamics of Parallel Systems, W. Forys and M. Forys
- The freeness problem for products of matrices defined on bounded languages, E. Charlier and J. Honkala
- Tilings by 1-by-1 and 2-by-2 squares, N. Rolin A. Ugolnikova
- Traversing a n-cube without Balanced Hamiltonian Cycle to Generate Pseudorandom Numbers, J.-F. Couchot, P.-C. Heam, C. Guyeux, Q. Wang, and J. M. Bahi
- Weak Local Rules for Quasicrystals, N. Bédaride and T. Fernique